For Comic-Con’s street preachers, hate gets results

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“These men weren’t trolls. They were the result of a tradition that’s defined “evangelism” as the equivalent of an internet pop-up ad: as long as somebody sees it, you’ve done your job.

An hour or two later, I met a small woman passing out tracts far from the intersections most preachers occupied. Her self-appointed mission, as far as I could tell, was to undo the damage caused down the street. ‘We’re not like those Christians who preach hate to everyone,’ she assured me. Then she managed to do something I had not seen all day: explain why I should love the thing she was willing to stand in the San Diego sun for hours to share.”


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Christians, Their Media Portrayal & Myth

Fascinating and unexpected.

“There came a point, like early on in the show, where I just noticed that the way that Christians are portrayed in movies and on television is almost always as these crazy people. You know, like these doctrinaire, hothead, crazy people. Whereas Christians in my life are incredibly wonderful and thoughtful and had very ambiguous, complicated feelings in their beliefs, and seemed to be totally generous hearted and totally open to a lot of different kinds of people in their lives.” 1:16