Abstract Foam Layers Form Realistic Animal Sculptures


From up close, viewers can inspect the details of each sculpture, including the soft texture of the material as well as the odd-shaped layers reminiscent of rock formations. In the wild, it’s best to maintain a safe distance from these animals. However, in the pixelated, still life form, each cuddly creature appears quite friendly and approachable.


Click through to see more examples of this artist’s work: http://www.mymodernmet.com/profiles/blogs/joao-loureiro-zootechnical

The Law of Urination: mammals take 21 seconds to pee [VIDEO]


Based on mathematical models derived from these data, the scientists found that every animal took an average of 21 seconds to relieve itself, despite bladders that varied in volume from 100 milliliters to 100 liters.


Image/video source and full article: http://www.theverge.com/2013/10/19/4855076/the-law-of-urination-mammals-take-21-seconds-to-pee

Adorable Photographs Of A Tiny Baby Squirrel Resting In Odd Places


While working in Sri Lanka, BBC documentary filmmaker Paul Williams nursed a baby squirrel after it got separated by its mother.

Although Williams tried to return the squirrel by leaving it in a tree, the adorable little critter still remained there the next morning.


Click through to see more squee images: http://designtaxi.com/news/361550/Adorable-Photographs-Of-A-Tiny-Baby-Squirrel-Resting-In-Odd-Places/

Jerk Cats Love Stealing Dog Beds [VIDEO]


I try to resist sharing dog/cat videos (as if the internet needs any more of those) but this one is just too good not to post.

Sadly, dogs are too polite for confrontation and resort to halfhearted pleas with their feline occupier. On the other hand, it appears as if the cats couldn’t care less.


Click through to see the video: http://www.huffingtonpost.com/2013/10/13/jerk-cats-love-stealing-dog-beds_n_4093467.html

Toad tries to eat bat, park ranger gets this crazy photo


If you’re wondering how a flying bat wound up in a grounded toad’s mouth, herpetologist Greg Pauly of the Natural History Museum of Los Angeles County, said it is not necessarily so odd.


Image source and article: http://www.latimes.com/science/sciencenow/la-sci-sn-frog-tries-to-eat-bat-photo-20130925,0,6802976.story

FYI: What’s The Point Of Sex?


Many animals do clone themselves; certain sea anemones can bud identical twins from the sides of their bodies. Aphids, bees and ants can reproduce asexually. Virgin births sometimes occur among hammerhead sharks, turkeys, boa constrictors and komodo dragons. But nearly all animals engage in sex at some point in their lives.


Image source and article: http://www.popsci.com/science/article/2011-04/fyi-whats-point-sex