UC Davis pepper-spraying cop gets $38K for disability claim



Pike, who was later fired, filed a workers’ compensation claim saying he suffered depression and anxiety over the way he was treated in the wake of the incident.

Image source and full article: http://www.news10.net/news/california/article/261524/430/UC-Davis-pepper-spraying-cop-gets-38K-for-disability-claim

See also, this article in The Atlantic which outlines more infuriating details: http://www.theatlantic.com/politics/archive/2013/10/the-pepper-spraying-cop-got-a-bigger-payout-than-his-victims/280822/

…he remained on administrative leave eight months after the incident. By my calculations, Pike received more than $70,000 in salary between the pepper-spray incident and the day he ceased to be employed at UC Davis, though he did no work in that time. And when his employment finally ended?

“The internal affairs investigation into last November’s pepper-spraying controversy at UC Davis concluded that Lt. John Pike acted reasonably, with a subsequent review concluding he should have faced demotion or a suspension at worst,” The Sacramento Bee reported in August 2012.

To be “fair,” the internet meme that erupted in his wake was pretty awful awesome…

Sentenced to Death for Being Black: The Duane Buck Story [VIDEO]


2:05 “…he’s basically saying because you are black, you need to die. And I felt that was strange because my lawyer didn’t say nothing, and nobody else, you know, the prosecutor or the judge, nobody did. It was like it was an everyday thing in the courts.”

6:37 Dr. Quijano’s prediction of future dangerousness could not have been further from the truth. Duane Buck has been a model prisoner.

6:59 “…and now that he’s on death row and has had time to reflect on his crime, he’s incredibly sad and remorseful about what he’s done and he’s dedicated himself to God and to preaching to those other inmates on death row who are looking for guidance.”

Read more here: http://www.redletterchristians.org/sentenced-death-black-duane-buck-story/

…and here: http://www.naacpldf.org/case-issue/duane-buck-sentenced-death-because-he-black

Elderly Texas Woman May Be Disenfranchised After Being Denied A Voter ID Three Times


Though she has voted for more than 60 years without incident, that streak may end in six weeks when Texas voters will consider a host of statewide ballot initiatives.


Image source and article: http://thinkprogress.org/justice/2013/09/26/2683971/dorothy-card-voter-id/

This is a complete list of Wall Street CEOs prosecuted for their role in the financial crisis


(Sorry, this will be the last post on financial injustices for today… probably.)

…it’s shocking that for a crisis that drove the global economy off a cliff, caused millions of people to lose their homes and generally spread mass human misery to almost every corner of the earth there is no defining prosecution.


GIF source and article: http://www.washingtonpost.com/blogs/wonkblog/wp/2013/09/12/this-is-a-complete-list-of-wall-street-ceos-prosecuted-for-their-role-in-the-financial-crisis/

…a member of the AIG “lynch mob” in the last stages of her fight with cancer


In my previous post, I linked to a post where AIG CEO, Robert Benmosche likened people who were angry at AIG employees who received bonuses to a lynch mob.

Here’s one of the people Benmosche is demeaning:


Stephanie is in the final stages of her fight against breast cancer. She had no other options at the time but to delay treatment until she was accepted by Medi-Cal for those with low income.

Image source and article about Stephanie: http://occupyamerica.crooksandliars.com/diane-sweet/love-and-light-member-99

For Past Three Years, The Rich Saw Income Grow While Everyone Else Made Less


The gap between the employment rate for the highest income Americans and the lowest income ones is the widest in a decade.


Chart source and article: http://thinkprogress.org/economy/2013/09/17/2636711/census-income-inequality/

How Some CEOs Cheat Their Way To Higher Pay

(Related to this previous post.)


Because executive compensation in the form of stock is tax-deductible for companies under a 1993 law, and much of the performance-based compensation executives draw is paid in stock, such gaming of performance targets ends up hurting taxpayers. Economist and former Labor Secretary Robert Reich said taxpayer losses due to manipulating performance targets are measured in the billions of dollars.


Image source and article: http://thinkprogress.org/economy/2013/09/13/2620121/ceo-pay-performance-based-cheating/