
1:15 I know what you’re gonna say right now – “well, Jesus did tell us to heal the sick, but he never said the government should make us do it and force us to pick my pocket…”

This is America, where we allegedly are the government. We hire the leaders, for better or worse, so if you really believe in following these teachings of Christ, why don’t you want to choose leaders who will devote themselves to caring for the least among us the way Jesus Christ told you to do?

Are partisan news sources polarizing Americans? (The Answer Might Surprise You)


That’s not to say partisan news has no effect. Arceneaux and Martin just believe that the effect appears to be much smaller than others have hypothesized. People aren’t sponges that unquestioningly absorb everything they hear. They have their own ideas and the ability to choose what they listen to.

“From our perspective,” they write, “the reason to be ill at ease with the state of partisan news is not because it polarizes or even because it misleads. Rather, the reason to be concerned with these shows revolves around the content itself.” That is, the shows have tremendous opportunities to help the public become more informed, but their effort is largely expended on decidedly different pursuits.


Image source and full article: http://arstechnica.com/science/2013/10/are-partisan-news-sources-polarizing-americans/

Why We Love Angry Men, But Hate Impassioned Women


As Neffinger and Kohut point out, men who are angry don’t only get more respect, status and better job titles — they also get higher pay Despite the fact that men can use anger to achieve status, women may need to be calm in order to come off as rational. You know, so that people don’t think they’re PMS-ing, or whatever.

Nominee Hearing

Image source and full article: http://www.huffingtonpost.com/elizabeth-plank/angry-men-hate-impassioned-women_b_4114999.html

Feminist F*#K Yeah: Men Got Us Into The Shutdown, Women Got Us Out


Following weeks of stagnation, The New York Times reported on Monday that a bipartisan group of women senators was playing a crucial role in opening discussions between Republicans and Democrats over how to move forward and reopen the government. Out of the 14 senators on the bipartisan committee that laid the framework for the debt deal, six were women. Susan Collins (R-Maine) started the group, and Sens. Lisa Murkowski (R-Alaska), Kelly Ayotte (R-N.H.), Amy Klobuchar (D-Minn.), Jeanne Shaheen (D-N.H.) and Heidi Heitkamp (D-N.D.) took part in negotiations.

“I don’t think it’s a coincidence that women were so heavily involved in trying to end this stalemate,” Collins told The New York Times. “Although we span the ideological spectrum, we are used to working together in a collaborative way.”


Read full article here: http://www.huffingtonpost.com/2013/10/16/shutdown-women_n_4110268.html

Everyone The U.S. Government Owes Money To, In One Graph [INFOGRAPHIC]


If Congress doesn’t raise the debt ceiling soon, the U.S. government won’t be able to pay its debts. Here’s who the government owes money to — all the holders of U.S. Treasury debt, broken down by category and by how much government debt they hold.


Infographic source: http://www.npr.org/blogs/money/2013/10/10/230944425/everyone-the-u-s-government-owes-money-to-in-one-graph

Why This Is Not Just ‘Washington Dysfunction,’ in 1 More Graph

<a href="http://www.theatlantic.com/politics/archive/2013/10/why-this-is-not-just-washington-dysfunction-in-1-more-graph/280161/"http://www.theatlantic.com/politics/archive/2013/10/why-this-is-not-just-washington-dysfunction-in-1-more-graph/280161/

From roughly Teddy Roosevelt’s era through Richard Nixon’s, [the Republicans] became slightly more centrist/liberal. Then starting in the late 1970s — about the time Nixon’s “Southern Strategy” was kicking in, and the South switched from being the Democrats’ stronghold to the Republicans’ — House Republicans became dramatically more conservative. Here’s the chart showing recent movements.


Graph source and article: http://www.theatlantic.com/politics/archive/2013/10/why-this-is-not-just-washington-dysfunction-in-1-more-graph/280161/