The Law of Urination: mammals take 21 seconds to pee [VIDEO]

Based on mathematical models derived from these data, the scientists found that every animal took an average of 21 seconds to relieve itself, despite bladders that varied in volume from 100 milliliters to 100 liters.


Image/video source and full article:

Brains Sweep Themselves Clean Of Toxins During Sleep

<a href=""

During sleep, the flow of cerebrospinal fluid in the brain increases dramatically, washing away harmful waste proteins that build up between brain cells during waking hours, a study of mice found.


Image source and full article:

Absurd Creature of the Week: Elusive Goblin Shark Has World’s Most Terrifying Jaws

Believe it or not, the more you read about this creature, the stranger it gets.

Aiding this vacuum effect is the goblin shark’s highly developed, highly mobile basihyal — a structure analogous to a tongue, except made out of cartilage — making the creature sort of like the Gene Simmons of the deep. As the jaws fire out, the giant basihyal is depressed, providing even more suction, though not substantially more rock and roll, as far as scientists can tell.


Click through to see more photos of this strange, fascinating creature and read the full article:

Exploding Cucumbers! [VIDEO]

3:45 …so this is the fruit that just shot off this squirting cucumber, and it shot about 20-40 seeds out of the top as [the fruit] fired the other way because it’s got huge internal pressure so it really can release that liquid quite nicely. And it will shoot them up to 6 meters [almost 20 feet] away and travel about 95 km/hr or up to 60mph.



Marine science teacher finds carcass of 18-foot-long sea creature off California coast

Jasmine Santana of the Catalina Island Marine Institute needed more than 15 helpers to drag the giant sea creature with eyes the size of half dollars to shore Sunday.

Staffers at the institute are calling it the discovery of a lifetime.


Image source and full article:

5 Do-It-Yourself Science Experiments With Grover [VIDEO]

the 5facts gang steps in and shows Grover five science experiments he can do, with common household objects. He tests flotation, surface tension, density, chemical reactions, and my favorite, non-Newtonian solids!



How Life Would Look If the Moon Was as Close to Earth as the ISS [VIDEO]

Yetipc1, apparently a serious astronomy nerd, took the liberty of figuring out what it would look like if ol’ Luna was a mere 270 miles out, instead of the 238,855 miles it actually is. Suffice it to say it looks a bit…different.



(Of course that video makes me think of this.)